Chameleon järjestelmän perusyksikkö DVB-C, T/T2, S/S2.
The Chameleon module GN HWUW2 covers nearly all functions for cable TV and SMATV. The module is suitable for the processing of antenna signals via DVB-T/T2, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2, as well as IP and ASI delivered signals. The module possesses 2-CI-interfaces, 2BNC-sockets, 2RJ45, 2 F-sockets and 2 SGMII-sockets. For the special application you only need a special software licence - the hardware does not have to be updated.
When you buy your CHAMELEON hardware, you can use the WISI Configurator to find out which software options you need. If you need to add
or change functionality later on, you can easily order new software options.